Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Kimmy does these days

I haven't blogged about Kim in a while. Here are some videos that I took of her just today.

I took out her masak masak set which she got for her birthday - the last of her presents to be taken out for her to play with. She has been practising cutting wooden bread in school with a wooden knife so I thought colourful vegetables would be more interesting and fun for her. She has proven that she can multitask, well sort of. She can watch TV and fry a fish.

I try to bring her downstairs so she can look at nature, birds (chase), insects (crawl after an ant) and walk around the neighbourhood (watch a little girl pee into a drain!!! what were the parents thinking?!).

Today, I made her carry her own water bottle (in a plastic bag so that it's easier for her tiny hands) and she made sure we never left it behind. I would put it down on the floor while we played at a section of the playground. Whenever we were done, she would walk to the plastic bag and pick it up. She's turning out to be a Type A person! Haha.

Peen thinks she looks very aunty.

She really enjoys her bath. Except for the bits when we need to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. I rotate her squirties when she gets bored with them. She likes it when we squirt water at her (not her face of course). She has started to drink from them tho'. And thinks it's very funny too.

Well, we do also think it's really funny. Does that make us bad parents? That we let our daughter drink soapy water? Oops. Well, Peen only lets her drink it before soaping her and before rinsing out the shampoo in her hair....I think. So I guess it's relatively soapless/clean still? Oh, except for if she disposes of any body fluid without our knowledge. Yikes.

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