Sunday, November 18, 2012

The rainy season

It has been raining everyday. And when we say 'rain', it actually means a downpour. Mostly, it rains in the afternoons and has been a nightmare in terms of laundry.

But the kids enjoy the weather cos it's cool for them when they sleep and we get to look for snails after the rain. They also get to jump in puddles of rainwater. 

We had dinner at the club on Saturday. It had rained so heavily the pool side cafeteria was wet from the rain. The chairs were slightly damp and there were puddles everywhere, much to the delight of the two of them. Clad in gum boots, it was just splish splash splosh all the way till the food arrived.

Yesterday, on our way home in the car, it started drizzling.

K (exclaims loudly): Wah Lao Eh!! Raining already. 

P and I stared at one another, speechless. Ok, time to watch our own exclamations.

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