I finally gathered up my courage to go for LASIK.
Over the decade, I've witnessed one by one of my friends being set free. I blatantly drooled over their state of specs-lessness and had deep admiration for their courage. I dreamt of the day when I'd be awoken in the middle of the night by the children and wouldn't need to fumble and feel my way around blindly for my specs. Or to awake and could see the world clearly.
When I got P's blessings to go do it, everything was set in motion very quickly. From the first assessment (Mon) to the day of the procedure (Thu). I was concerned about the logistics of the hospital visits with B in tow. Thank God P was able to come along on Thu for the procedure. He and B watched the procedure through a glass panel.
The right eye went ok but during the pressure bit where a suction disc holds onto the eye to keep it still for the flap to be cut, it was rather uncomfortable for the second eye. It was literally a 10min procedure so that went by quite quickly enough.
The few days before the procedure, I wasn't really feeling too nervous or anything but I decided to make something for K and B "just in case" anything went wrong.
I was at Spotlight and I saw these quilt kits! I couldn't resist. I mean I was never into making quilts nor was I ever inclined to make one but the kits were really cute.

See? This one was for K. I was too excited to make the second one that I forgot to take a before pic.
Here are the completed quilts.

Well, these are completed now and I feel almost ready to make a larger quilt! Almost. Maybe when I have completed the long list of to sews.