Tuesday, August 30, 2011

B is 14 months

He has been very thrilled these days as we are able to understand some of what he wants to say.

He can sign:
Dog (at 13 mths)
Flying kiss

He attempts to say some words:
Mama (grandma)
Bor (ball)
Wowa (flower)
Fff (shoes, finish and fish)

With his newly acquired language skills, he is able to make simple requests for what he wants.

He knows where his head, ears and nose are. He can also blink his eyes when asked.

He loves Chyna and laughs when he puts his face in her fur. Sometimes we catch him trying to eat her fur.

We finally managed to take this pic of ben lying on chyna. K had a similar photo but she was much smaller and lighter. B is much heavier here. Poor Chyna.

He enjoys music and after watching K perform a dance, he has picked up some steps. Now, everytime he hears a rhythm, he would be bobbing up and down and moving his arms. His latest favourite is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.

Monday, August 15, 2011

In want of fabric

K has outgrown the pjs I sewed for her some time back. The first one has been passed on to B.

She still wears the second one with a longer pair of pants that I made with the same fabric.

Decided that when we go to Langkawi in Nov, both B and K will have decent looking pjs meant for them. Especially since grandma and grand aunt will be there.

I was online shopping for fabric and I saw some really cute flannel that would make nice unisex pjs but the shipping alone would cost more than the fabric! USD70 for 4 yards of fabric? :( Depressing.

So despite still nursing a week old flu, I took B shopping for fabric. At Spotlight! We really very sorely lack places to buy nice kids print flannel.

The two of the right are flannel for K's pjs and nope, definitely not unisex. I'm just hoping somehow the blue backgrounds would make it more boy skewed than it now looks for the time when B wears them. Then I also got the boy cotton fabric for B to sew some mattress covers.

The sales lady looked at me rather apologetically and said, "Erm. These no more 50% discount ok?"

There was a 50% discount!? Drats. I need to pay closer attention to the mailers from Spotlight.

No, actually what I need is to teleport myself to large fabric stores. I could stay there all day I think.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Typical Sunday

Our Sundays are pretty much packed these days. Well, at least for the first half of it anyway.

We would all crawl out of bed by 7am and then start the day by getting dressed, wolfing down our breakfast so we could be out of the house by 8.30am to get to K's dance class by 9am.

Yesterday, we put K in a leotard and skirt for the first time after 10 weeks. She was very happy with the skirt especially. She was rather cross with me when she found out that she wasn't going to wear it to church.

B was also rather pleased as he got to walk to the carpark.

In the car, they both chatted to one another / themselves in a secret language where no one else (especially adults) could comprehend.

Some weren't very happy to be observed.

We finally arrived at Bishan CC. While we waited for the teacher to arrive, we sat on our favourite red stool.

Those who didn't make the cut, had to improvise.

Other little ones arrive. And then it's time to form the chugga chug train.

After dance, it's a fanatic rush to get to church and not miss too much of worship. We usually arrive about 10.40am.

P would go with B to the main service and K and me to Sunday school. Yes, our little girl still needs to be accompanied. Sometimes P and I swop.

Yesterday was a little bit of a milestone for K cos she actually helped the teacher out. Not by choice naturally but because she was seated in front and the teacher and us were friends.

Then she listened attentively to several stories

before proceeding to the craft activity of making a happy and a sad face which she used to respond to the teacher's questions of which scenarios demonstrated love.

So yes, that sums up our Sundays. Of course it would include a hurried decision on lunch venue. Then stuffing our faces and rushing home to get the kids into bed for their afternoon nap before the madness continues when they awake. But that's the fun of being parents isn't it? Gone are the days of slow unhurried meals and coffee or ice cream after.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Racial Harmony Day 2011

Racial Harmony Day is a day for schools to celebrate Singapore's success as a nation and society built on a rich diversity of culture and heritage. In schools all across the nation on this day, students are encouraged to be dressed in their traditional costumes. Traditional delicacies are also featured in the celebrations.

In K's school this year, the above is watered down to learning simple salutations in Malay, Tamil, Chinese and English. Each level had to put up a dance by a given racial group. K2s did a Malay dance, K1s a Chinese dance, Playgroup an Indian dance. Nursery was to perform an "English" dance as the teachers put it. Whatever is an English dance? An immediate thought would be the Maypole dance but her teachers decided on hiphop. Guess this MTV generation would be more familiar with that.

Here are the performers all ready for the performance. The guys had their hair done by the teachers.

Nursery class presents hiphop to the school to the song Baby by Justin Bieber, which incidentally is the first pop song that K knows.