Friday, February 25, 2011

Kim says

After an hour of dinner, with much exasperation,

I said to K: Look at your mouth! It's not moving! Chew. And. Swallow.

K: I cannot look at my mouth.

And I see her looking down, straining to see below her nose.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feeding downer

Today was another one of those sad-ish days where feeding B was almost impossible.

Breakfast: prune and cereal. Had two mouthfuls. Prune cereal on individual cornflake pieces. Not happening either. Had his milk feed and slept for 20mins?!

Lunch: potato with carrot and apple. Hated it. Didn't have his milk feed either. Because we went for his swim class. Didnt want bread after his class. Thot he would be hungry but he preferred to store it in his cheeks like a hamster.

At this point, he is superboy who lives on laughs, love and fresh air.

Finally ate some dinner at 4.45pm. Had brown rice porridge with salmon. Also ate some banana with peach while the rest of us ate dinner at normal dinner time.

Had his milk before going to bed for the night. Finally.

I want to have a kid who loves his/her food heartily. For once.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Celebrate the boy month

Yay!! It's here again. Celebrate the boy month. This is all happening at Made by Rae. Can't wait to see what new stuff people have this year and make some stuff for B.

Here is the link to go straight there.