Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Whoever said you can't do much with a boy's hair?

With the genes from both sides of the family, I was quite desperate to try whatever method, to make sure B has a full head of hair even when he was 90. So the first thing recommended was to shave him at his first month birthday. Well, I have missed that by a week or so. But I thot better late than never.

Before I shaved (or brought him to the barber) his beautiful hair, I thot I'd take some pics. To remember how cute my baby looked with such nice hair.

This, to my uttermost dismay, is how he looks when his hair has just been washed. I do not think guys with curly hair is cool. I hope it would somehow straighten out. He really reminds me of Colin Firth in Fever Pitch. I have only just seen the movie and yes, that is who he reminds me of. At least it's Colin Firth.

Then I ventured to tryout different hairstyles. He wasn't very pleased.

After I was satisfied that I had taken all the pics that I could possibly take of his hair, I took a deep breath and off I went to the barber's, just downstairs. As we were walking, alongside me was another mother, carrying a boy. He was massive. I could only conclude that he's alot older than B. But then again, he didn't look more advanced, so he could possibly just be big. He was bald. Obviously shaven. :( He DID NOT look good. In fact, he looked awful.

Unable to cause my very own son to look like that massively huge bald baby, I made a 180 degree turn and came home instead. All the time spent convincing myself it was the best for B and his head of hair till he was 90 has gone down the drain.

We shall have to resort to method 2....whatever that is. XO?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life is good...for the moment

26 July, 2pm. The house is quiet. The air is cool after a morning of rain. Here is why:

It's my turn too.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Who's who?

I was very surprised that my two babies look so alike.

Wanna try guessing who's who?

Here are the answers:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

B is one month old

B is one month old!

P and I decided that we would host a one month celebration instead of being such lazy parents and leaving it to my parents. We held it at Mum's place.

One last minute addition were the $3.60(!!!?) a piece cupcakes that we ordered so that there was some indication of what event we were having in photos. All thanks to my dad for the brilliant suggestion. Otherwise, the photos would just be of people stuffing their faces.

Sharon very kindly lent us her 4-tier cupcake holder. Wasn't it pretty?

This is what K remembers of the party most fondly - eating the fondant pacifier!

The first month went by a tad too slowly. Why? Because I was constantly nagging about how my son was sleeping on the floor and being constanty carried. Despite all the nagging and grumblings, he still continued sleeping on the floor and being rocked to sleep for the entire month. I was really worried about how I would cope with his sleeping habits when the CL left. But that will be another post.

Happy first month my darling! You are such a smiley baby.