What a full and eventful day it was yesterday.

In the morning, we went to Punggol Park with the whole family. That means the two doggies were included. We had originally wanted to bring them to West Coast dogrun but it was raining the day before and according to the weather forecast, rain in the morning too so we decided to go somewhere nearby instead.
The doggies took a while to get used to walking beside the pram. Dopey had tyre marks on his body cos the wheel was just so big. I think he had his paws run over a few times cos he kept so close to the pram.

We saw a man who offered to take the photos for us with Peen in it. Peen declined politely. I was a little apprehensive cos he looked a little dodgy. Then he followed us for a bit, calling out to our dogs and Kim. Like yikes!!! I was trying to walk VERY briskly away without appearing to be doing so. The picture is too small to see my facial expression and yes, that is the guy there.
When we got home, Peen immediately started to busy himself in the kitchen. He was cooking chicken rice for lunch!!! I've complained about how I keep hearing him talk about the numerous things that he can cook but never got to sample it, so here we are. :)

There was the white and roast chickens too! Wah, such a feast. It was yummy! The rice was very good. It can be more fragrant but already as it is, it's really delicious. The roast chicken was alright. It wasn't quite like the roast chicken for chicken rice but the white chicken was nice. A little salty but otherwise, GOOD. :) Well done, Peeny flea!
It was also Hari Raya Puasa yesterday.

We were invited to Nora's (Peen's
colleague's) parents' place for dinner. Man, the food was really really good. But her mum didn't really want to share recipe so I guess there is no chance to replicate it.....as if we could!
Here are photos of Nora and her mum carrying Kimmy. Kimmy was a little uneasy amongst strangers but we later warmed up. However, she was still apprehensive to be carried by Nora's mum. Guess she's not used to the head scarf.
We starved poor baby cos we didn't bring her dinner out. We thought we'd not be long. So she had to make do with milk on the way home. But she woke up after the car ride and was all ready for dinner. I whipped up something really quick - Nestum, breakfast cereal and pear. She ate all of it!
Well, aside from daddy and mummy calling her scar face at the moment, she is also periodically known as crusty nostrils. Haha. See the photo above? It's cos she smears her snort all over. Poor baby. Hope she gets completely well real quick.